Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Real World Dating - Jorge

I suppose I shouldn't call Jorge a date, as I never actually went on one with him. However, he did constantly ask me out, eat with me whenever possible and gave me oddly phrased compliments.

After I graduated from college I went to work selling useless crap door to door. After two weeks I quit in disgust. I started working at a super fancy hotel as the night bell(wo)man. It was pretty quiet most nights and I spent them making up couch beds for drunken heiresses who came to party, shining shoes, picking up breakfast orders, shining our brass baggage carts and helping the night clerk look for motorcycle parts on Craigslist.

I also spent a lot of time chatting with the Mexican cleaning staff. We took turns helping each other with Spanish/English. One of them - Jorge was a super sweet 40 year old who was always eager to help. At first I thought he was being nice, but after he told me, "You're pretty for a chubby girl. You should already have a man and not have to work here, but stay home and have babies." I knew it was a bit more than that.

Jorge would always sit with me during "lunch" at 1 in the morning and chat about his work visa and how I was "too pretty to work." Me being all of 22 and fresh out of college I was not crazy about the idea of marrying a middle-aged man so he could get a green card. No matter how many times he asked me out or talked about our babies.

I started eating lunch in the bellhop closet. It smelled like shoe-polish and cleaning supplies, but I could listen to the Cardinal's games in peace.


Sadako said...

Yuck. :( Sorry to hear that.

It also reminded me of the Beverly Hills 90210 where Brenda spends the night in a janitor's closet in a hotel because she can't find the hotel where she's supposed to meet Dylan. I watch way too much old(ish) TV...

KateC said...

I really enjoyed that story! You have a way with words, my dear!

You're such a nice girl that I'm not surprised you inadvertantly attract that kind of attention. I had a roommate once whose cab driver propsed to her by the time he drove her home. She was totally freaked out. I said "Just tell him: no! Not interested! Don't be a creep!" but she was caught off guard and didn't know what to do.

Callie said...

Sadako - I have to admit that I've never seen 90210. I was never really into "young adult" shows. I watched Thundercats, Transformers, and TMNT well into my teens. If I can find the series on Netflix I may have to queue it up to see what I've been missing.

Kate - That happens to me a lot (not the proposals thank heaven), but some creepy guys says something inappropriate or offensive and I just sit there and listen. I don't know if is shock or masochism.

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