Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ouch *%$#$@* ! *&$%@#$!%(*

I'm accident prone. I fall ALL the time, seriously, at least once a week. I'll slip on the bathroom or kitchen floor, trip over the dog, cat, coffee table, rogue shoe, wear slick soled shoes in my garage, the parking deck, walking the dog. Sometimes I don't even have an excuse, I just collapse in a heap.

I also bruise easily and consistently, I currently have 13 bruises. I only know where about 6 of them came from.

I get scratched a lot too. Between the cats, random nails in my wall, paper cuts, and knife wounds its a wonder I haven't bled to death.

My favorite curse during 95.5% of these injuries: mothertrucker. I usually string as many curse words together as my brain can think of and come up with some very surprising and innovative word choices. I then try to use them in day to day life.

Look at me, taking lemons and turning them into f#$%ing lemonade!


Callie said...

I just got another bruise. Who knew that keyboard shelves were so heavy.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, the keyboard shelf has singlehandedly kept me in bruises for the two years I've worked here. I don't know why I can't remember to NOT run into it.

I'm pretty accident prone, too. I don't fall down, but I'm always getting cuts and bruises. Mostly, though, I run into doorframes. At least one shoulder usually manages to not make it through the doorway.

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