Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Random Thoughts 1

Heavy Breathers are the bane of existence, especially on a work conference call. I can almost feel them drooling on me. I always feel violated afterward.

People who give themselves "cool" middle names on Facebook make me want to stab them in the eye with a fork. Just because you want to be known as Kevin "Big Dick" Dalton does not mean that we'll call you anything other than your nickname from high school - aka: Kevin "Peed his pants during a football match" Dalton. You fail at cool. You fail at life.

Surviving the World - Spitting

True Story. Actual Fact.


Helen said...

I'm so with you on the middle name thing. I mean really!

Never had a heavy-breather conference call, but I'm shuddering at the thought. How about avoiding conferencec calls for the next... 20 years? By then they should have super-smart-phones that can filter it out...

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