Monday, November 16, 2009

Normal for Me

Oh look, Callie doesn't have the brain power for a post today, so she's half-assing it with a list instead. How inspired.

This list is of things that seem completely normal to me:

1. Riding around in a limo from the 80's with gold trim
2. Waking up with bruises and having no idea how I got them
3. Building blanket forts
4. Dancing wildly with my 8 year old cousin
5. Getting bras in the mail
6. Throwing hedge balls around as a game
7. Wearing one coat into work and putting on a second over top of the first to stay warm in the office.
8. Dressing up as Louie the Lightning Bug
9. Wearing hunter's orange to take a walk
10. Being nicer to strangers than to family


Shannon said...

Speaking of bruises, I have a whole bunch of mysterious ones that seem to have come from nowhere. What's up with that? How do we not remember running into something so hard that it leaves a bruise?

Did you take any pictures of the limo? I'd love to see it.

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